Travis is what you would love every coach to be, empathetic, passionate, organised and caring. he dedicates many hours in planning and preparation to ensure the Tamaraki feel welcome and learn as they go, and enjoy what they are doing.
Travis is all about participation, he exudes enthusiasm and is welcoming of all. Although Travis also offers for the youngsters to be competitive if they wish and attend competition, with the age he coaches being from 5-13 he is more about encouraging them to participate, learn, encourage and support others. You will often see him down at the childrens level, on the ground listening to what they need, have to stay or how they are feeling. He encourages all players and is about getting the best out of everyone and celebrating everyones improvement and growth in skills.
Travis leads by example he is positive, enthusiastic, supportive. He gives praise to all, and encourages the children to encourage each other. With a background as a teacher, he is also sure to make sure the children arent negative to each other and doesnt allow that culture, and phrases it nicely to the children so they encourage others.
Our growth in numbers in junior surf is the first thing - we have so many children returning each year, and this keeps growing due to word of mouth due to the awesome atmosphere he creates - we have increased through Travis coaching over the last few years from 30 members to 100 members participating. I have seen how the children encourage each other at the sessions and how supportive they are. The older children provide support to the younger ones, often going swimming with them so they arent scared and can continue to learn and grow.
Parents have also provided wonderful feedback on Travis and the inclusive environment he provides.
Travis make children feel like they are great and can achieve anything. I have asked one young girl how she was finding it, and she was its awesome I can now ride a board in big waves and Im not scared. This growth and the time that Travis puts into people so they feel comfortable challenging themselves is hugely important. He knows the balance between pushing children to far, and also ensuring children do challenge themselves and grow and have that sense of achievement.