Community Delivery team creating opportunities for tamariki to participate in sessions of Sport, Active recreation and play (fun). We provide free sessions that are tailor made from the discussions had with kaiako from feedback each term, as well as being aware of what the tamariki enjoy. Over the past year, we have delivered sessions to 12 schools in our Waipa community, from age groups Year 1 to Year 8. We also do delivery during lunch times and morning tea intervals. As well we facilitate after school sports modules, Holiday programs using our own facilities at a small cost to participants.
After a review of our strategic plan here at the Club, we identified the need to connect more to our community and to start with how we can support our local schools. By meeting with the school principals and leading staff, they outlined the needs of the participants ie. tamariki, kaiako.
-Time. Kaiako do not always have time to include Sport, Active Recreation and Play. within their curriculum. By including active recreation sessions, assists greatly with the well being of the tamariki and more broadly the whanau and school community.
-Cost. Community Delivery sessions are currently and have been free to schools.
-Travel. Community Delivery team go to each of the schools, negating the need for partipants to travel out of school. Participants are familiar, comfortable in their own environments. We are able then to deliver to all. We have eliminated the need for RAMS forms, permissions slips, costs to travel, reliance on parent support.
-Location. All delivery is located at each school using their facilities eg. sports fields, wet weather options.
By listening to the needs of schools, and our community, the Community Delivery team were able to plan, and implement sessions to engage all tamariki and kaiako, with tailor made, varied sessions.
-Delivery of sports, active recreation and play to 12 schools during the school terms. The number of class sessions we deliver to per week is on average 525 tamariki plus lunch time delivery sessions.
-Junior Touch module facilitation. Term 1 and Term 4, with a total of 146 teams ranging from Year 1 to Year 8, totalling approximately 1460 tamariki, combined with adult volunteers coaching, managing, refereeing.
-Junior Netball after school 6 week module for boys and girls, using Albert Park Indoor Centre, with a total of 120 tamariki.
-3 x Community Colour runs facilitated with approximately 250 participating including tamariki and adult volunteers.
-Holiday programs. Netball, Junior Rugby, Touch with approximately 150 tamariki participating offering options for whanau during the school holidays.
-Dodge Ball 6 week modules using Albert Park Indoor Centre, with approximately 80 participants.
Tamariki and whanau want more and more of these sessions. The pricing for these modules are always affordable, and FUN.
Providing fresh innovative sessions using basic resourcing.
Sessions are varied, well planned, focused on fun with a twist of challenge.
As the team are regulars, tamariki and kaiako cannot wait for their next sessions. The team live locally and are well known in our local community. Tamariki, Kaiako and whanau speak highly of the delivery team. They are awesome role models.
After listening to students wants and needs, we created and continue to create opportunities for students to engage in programs that they want e.g. Waipa wide come together school v school etc as well as Turbo touch module at the local Intermediate as that was their want. Sessions outside of the school curriculum are well received by participant voice and parental support. Messages, emails and other communications from schools and parents asking when the next modules/programs are being run and implementing/actioning these sessions.
- requests from community groups to facilitate sessions eg. Corporate Christmas Staff activities, Gumboot Friday community event.
Increasing connections with more schools, therefore reaching out to more tamariki.
Increasing connections with community organisations. eg. Sport Waikato, Ko Wai Au, Kainga Aroha, Corporate days, Lower Waipa school cluster support, Te Awamutu College by way of student volunteers, Waipa Teacher PD day, Life Education Trust, Waikato Touch, Home School students, Te Aho o te kura Pounamu, Club affiliated codes volunteers, and player members.
Increased participation in schools, holiday programs sessions, after school modules, and other one off events eg. Colour runs, Gumboot Friday.
As delivery sessions are regular to participants, the team are able to identify skills that could be developed and planning the necessary sessions around the development of those skills, ultimately leading to improved confidence, self esteem and overall wellbeing.
Feedback from kaiako.
Questions such as:
What benefits have students gained from these delivery sessions?
Responses were:
-Confidence and skills with lots of different equipment
-Confidence, give it a try attitude
-Pure enjoyment of being physical.
-Understanding that exercise can be Fun.
-Learning to work with different deliverers rather than the same teacher/s
-Enjoyable and memorable physical education experience.